RESCURE retrofits security in large-scale infrastructure products, and it is based on patented SRAM PUF technology, delivering unclonable identities with the best combination of security, cost, flexibility, and integration
Georgios Selimis (Intrinsic ID)
RESCURE retrofits security in large scale IoT Critical Infrastructures (CIs). Therefore, within RESCURE, we aim to deliver a lower cost IoT security solution based on a patented SRAM-PUF technology, which provides secure storage and root-of-trust. On top, we will deliver security protocols that scale on Critical Infrastructures.
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Currently Critical Infrastructure (CI) solution providers go fast to market without security and security retrofitting of devices in the field is difficult. Moreover security on CIs does not scale with the number of devices. According to studies, IoT CIs will be a US$ 2-6 trillion market in 2025 with 50 billion devices, 150 billion chips, trillions of lines of code & connections.
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Within RESCURE, we aligned our project approach on the following three pillars:
1) Security solutions for lower cost IoT remote devices
2) Security scalability in large Critical Infrastructures deployment
3) Demonstrator